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Twelve angry men essay questions

Twelve angry men essay questions

12 Angry Men (1957 film) Essay Questions,12 Angry Men (1957 film)

WebAfter reading Twelve Angry Men, how do you feel about our justice system? Is it fair or biased? What makes it that way? In Twelve Angry Men, we see examples of doubt and WebTwelve Angry Men Questions and Answers Who is the defendant in the trial in Twelve Angry Men? 12 Angry Men Juror 3 What testimony has been given in court by the old WebThese discussion questions are designed to help your students view the story from various viewpoints. Twelve Angry Men Twelve Angry Men is a story of justice and mercy. WebTwelve Angry Men was a movie about the decision of a boy’s fate in a murder trial. There were a dozen juror’s making the final decision whether he was guilty or not of murdering Web12 Angry Men Topics: Bench trial, Jury nullification, Scots law, Verdict Prejudice in Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose words | 1 Page On a jury, feelings of prejudice are ... read more

I would like to evaluate the acquisition of the knife, the old man hearing a shout, and the movie theater. The future of this young child is in your hands currently, make the right choice. Locate him innocent. First of all, the blade that was acquired the evening of the murder. After battling with his father, he intended to […]. Bias stems from lots of things. It can originate from anyone at any moment. In some cases it belongs of an individual when they are born. A whole town, state, or country could reveal prejudice towards others. Prejudice in a lot of cases ends in physical violence. Hitler revealed a severe instance when he eliminated all of the Jews. He believed that they were all substandard and also the Germans were the remarkable race. Hitler did not assume all of […].

This motion picture is among the very best that has ever before been made. I believe that the writer did an amazing task with the script which is mostly what carries the film. When this film is seen several times it just appears to get better. The many fine points that are within this film are like nothing else film has ever done. This is a film that is shot in white and also black. Ths is best because the […]. Justice can only be described as a fair and reasonable decision or action that leads to the triumph of the greater good. Our justice system is set up to make that kind of decision to those who are being persecuted or to the person demanding a punishment for failed responsibilities. Throughout the years, culture has changed, but values and human behavior has not.

Where someone is located in the social class will, by some means, come back to them in a negative way. A chamber of the jurors is anticipated to supply judgment. A Puerto Rican boy is brought before the court for eliminating his dad with a switchblade knife. The instance experienced blended responses on whether the young boy was guilty or otherwise guilty. At the starting of the movie, eleven of the jurors believed and also thought the kid murdered his father as well as examined their proof of […]. The movie 12 Angry Men gradually moves from an argument about placements to whether an year-old young boy need to be provided the death penalty.

As well as, the movie likewise includes an integrative negotiation through excellent negotiation techniques made use of by juror number 8. Juror number 8 facilitates this shift by separating the people from the trouble, focusing on passions, and also working out with unbiased criteria. Through group communication, we can see a group becoming a good thing or a bad thing. When we work in a group we tend to create some division if ideas go out of hand, or we create good energy if we are able to get along with one another. When it comes to groups, each member might have different values or personalities that would be different. The action revolves around the opinions, perceptions, reason, and logic of twelve diverse characters that are tasked with pronouncing the guilt or innocence of a young man accused of patricide.

There were examples of non-verbal communication, small group communication, and Cultural Diversity. For instance, In 12 Angry Men, we see that all the jurors were kind of outdone by one of the jurors. By seeing their expressions you see that they were getting angry and stressed out, now that they would have to spend time until they got a specific answer. Then, the emotions on the face began to seem restless and angry. Nonverbal is also facial expressions, gestures and eye contact. For example, as the jury leaves the deliberation room, one man pulls out a chair for an older gentleman on the jury and hands him his hat, two others help their fellow jurors get their coats on. Finally, the juror 8 who pushed for not guilty from the start gets the coat of the juror 3 who was the last hold out for guilty and helps him into it.

No dialogue is spoken. Four times, gestures of kindness and understanding between men who had a huge debate on the innocence of a young man. They came to an understanding with out saying a word which makes the scene so much powerful. Listening well helps this process. not using effective listening and questioning in team dialogue can lead to miscommunication, and therefore arguments. The majority of the men in the film do not use dialogic listening and questioning when explaining their perspective. At the beginning of the discussion, the group did try to facilitate listening and turn-taking by going around the table and letting every man state his reason for why he voted the way he did. An example of this was when Juror 3 interrupted Juror 9 simply because he did not want to have to hear what Juror 9 was saying.

In bringing the floor back to Juror 9, Juror 6 interrupts Juror 3, displaying a positive way of facilitating turn-taking. Cultural diversity is in the film based off all 12 men coming from different backgrounds which affected some of their decision in the beginning. In the film in question, the use of this aspect of interpersonal communication strengthens the interaction between certain jurors while weakening the relations of others. There are several reasons that this clause is positive to the accused in a case on trial. Primarily the right to a speedy trial can prevent undue and oppression, and minimize the anxiety and concern that accompanies public accusation.

A speedy trial can limit the possibility that long delay will impair the ability of an accused to defend himself. Furthermore, delaying a trial is can tamper with the evidence and witnesses because over time evidence can lose value and witnesses could forget what happened at the the crime scene or even die before the trial takes place. The right of a speedy trial can also be in opposition to the interests of the accused because it can cause the accused…. In America, we have the greatest chance in the world for liberties and rights.

Given to us by our Constitution, many of our laws have to coincide with the basics of our founding fathers beliefs in a good, lawful nation. Since the ratification of the Constitution, the first ten amendments made their way into modern law in December of to further procure our rights. These became collectively known as the Bill of rights. The Bill of Rights helps maintain balance between liberty and law, guaranteeing specific rights and freedoms to the people in return gaining their support. Each amendment helps the different cases in our law system today by dictating rights and context of how those rights may be violated. Many of our milestone amendments create a balanced law system, providing safety for individuals and our country.

HOME ESSAYS 12 Angry Men Essay. Top-Rated Free Essay. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. In the movie, 12 Angry Men, an 18 year old boy from a slum is charged with murder. He is put on trial for being accused of stabbing his father in the chest with a knife. Some of the first ten amendments of the Bill of Rights are shown in this movie such as the fifth and sixth amendments. According to the Fifth Amendment when there is a jury trial all 12 jurors must make a unanimous vote on whether or not the defendant is innocent or guilty. The one innocent voting man then does his best and gradually over a few hours begins convincing more and more of the 12 men that he is innocent. Also in the Fifth Amendment it states that people have the right to be a witness or to not be a witness against themselves.

In the movie a lady and an old man are on stand as witnesses to try and prove the defendant is guilty. The lady who lives across the street claims to have seen through the window and a passing train in the middle of the night that the boy stabbed his father. For instance, the lady wears glasses and in order for her to see the whole incident she would have had to wear her glasses to bed the night it happened. The Sixth amendment allows a speedy and public trial to take place. Time depends on how long due process takes or how many people are ahead waiting for trial. Also a speedy trial says the defendant is innocent until proven guilty. The 18 year old boy is said to be innocent for the accusations of murdering his father. Impartial jury plays an important role while on trial.

This allows the defendant to get a fair trial. The men on the jury do not know the boy personally. This could help the juror to think more about the guilt or innocence. Also a juror has seen a knife fight before and knows that most people do not stab downwards into the chest area if they are shorter than the person being stabbed. This also breaks down the facts to help determine if the defendant in the movie is innocent or guilty. Without the first ten amendments of the Bill Of Rights there would be chaos. If there were none of these important Amendments people would get accused and have an unfair trial leaving a bad result for the person and others around them. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful. Powerful Essays. The Twelve Angry Men Juror 3 and Juror 8 Comparing Essay Words 8 Pages.

Act II is also marked by a different tone, outwardly manifested by the changing weather. One of the first thing the jurors comment on is the temperature in the room, which is oppressively hot. It seems that Rose uses this as a device to emphasize the heated discussions going on inside the room. Also, we might think that these men are driven to madness quickly by the heat. In the second act, it begins raining outside, and they are able to turn on the fan, marking a return to reason for many of the jurors.

While we are unsure whether he is right or wrong, 8th Juror is one of the only jurors who is unaffected by any kind of negative prejudices. He respects the system and the value of life, causing him to want to consider the case more carefully than others. He is motivated simply by the idea of surviving justice and no other personal gain or affirmation comes into play. Compare and contrast the rational and irrational arguments for guilt from the jurors. Similarly, 6th Juror is moved away from the idea that they can't have any doubt and convict him, based on the very real fear of putting a killer back on the streets. Conversely, we have 10th Juror, who irrationally presumes guilt upon the defendant because of his ethnicity and background.

The difference is that the former arguments are founded in evidence and logic, while the latter is not. Rose definitely plays off of the masculine energy to create these archetypical characters. The title of the play is '12 Angry Men,' and it certainly does have an understanding of how particularly men settle problems in a confrontational, often personal, manner. There is a definite competitiveness, especially between 3rd Juror and 8th Juror, that is somehow intrinsically masculine. The Question and Answer section for 12 Angry Men is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

How does Rose maintain doubt as to the defendant's guilt or innocence throughout the play? Rose accomplishes this factual ambiguity by never actually allowing any of the jurors to definitively prove his innocence. Instead, they are only really able to prove that he is not definitely guilty, or "not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In the American criminal system, those charged with crimes need to be proven guilty 'beyond a reasonable doubt. Here, 8th Juror was able to put enough doubt into their minds, by challenging the evidence, to prove to them that they could not be sure enough to convict the defendant.

Give examples of how the personal insight of the jurors affected their understanding of the case? This affected the way he understood his testimony. More concretely, 5th Juror grew up around knife fights, where switchblades were commonly used, which allowed him to offer insight into how a wound would or would not be made. On the other extreme, 8th Juror is prejudiced to give the defendant special consideration because he had a hard upbringing and comes from a poor background. On a practical level, the Foreman is charged with moderating their discussion and taking regular polls as to the judgment of the jurors.

In this instance, he has the much grander job of controlling the many larger and temperamental personalities in the room. He is criticized at points for how he controls the room, but ultimately is able to keep the room from descending into chaos. In some ways, he represents the American self-governance system. Why might Rose have decided to place the division of Acts I and II where he did? On a dramatic level, Act I ends with a very exciting moment that would serve to make a powerful end to the first act, right before an intermission.

Also, it marks a very important moment in the play where the balance of power shifts. Act II is also marked by a different tone, outwardly manifested by the changing weather. One of the first thing the jurors comment on is the temperature in the room, which is oppressively hot. It seems that Rose uses this as a device to emphasize the heated discussions going on inside the room. Also, we might think that these men are driven to madness quickly by the heat. In the second act, it begins raining outside, and they are able to turn on the fan, marking a return to reason for many of the jurors. While we are unsure whether he is right or wrong, 8th Juror is one of the only jurors who is unaffected by any kind of negative prejudices.

He respects the system and the value of life, causing him to want to consider the case more carefully than others. He is motivated simply by the idea of surviving justice and no other personal gain or affirmation comes into play. Compare and contrast the rational and irrational arguments for guilt from the jurors. Similarly, 6th Juror is moved away from the idea that they can't have any doubt and convict him, based on the very real fear of putting a killer back on the streets. Conversely, we have 10th Juror, who irrationally presumes guilt upon the defendant because of his ethnicity and background. The difference is that the former arguments are founded in evidence and logic, while the latter is not. Rose definitely plays off of the masculine energy to create these archetypical characters.

The title of the play is '12 Angry Men,' and it certainly does have an understanding of how particularly men settle problems in a confrontational, often personal, manner. There is a definite competitiveness, especially between 3rd Juror and 8th Juror, that is somehow intrinsically masculine. The Question and Answer section for 12 Angry Men is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. In "Hope and Fury Support Your answer with textual evidence. The message of the Civil Rights movement needed to be beamed into every living room in the United States for the movement to gain momentum.

How and why did Sophie's views change as she grew older? Cite evidence for your answer in the text. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose. Remember me. Forgot your password? Buy Study Guide. Is this a poem you are referring to? Who is the author? Author please? Study Guide for 12 Angry Men 12 Angry Men study guide contains a biography of Reginald Rose, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. About 12 Angry Men 12 Angry Men Summary 12 Angry Men Video Character List Glossary Read the Study Guide for 12 Angry Men…. Essays for 12 Angry Men 12 Angry Men essays are academic essays for citation. Critical Elements of Twelve Angry Men Two Angry Social Classes The Importance Of Justice In Relations To Past Experiences Twelve Angry Men as an Allegory An Objective Perspective: Logos, Ethos, and Juror Four View our essays for 12 Angry Men….

Lesson Plan for 12 Angry Men About the Author Study Objectives Common Core Standards Introduction to 12 Angry Men Relationship to Other Books Bringing in Technology Notes to the Teacher Related Links 12 Angry Men Bibliography View the lesson plan for 12 Angry Men…. Wikipedia Entries for 12 Angry Men Introduction Characters and story Productions Screen adaptations Awards and nominations View Wikipedia Entries for 12 Angry Men….

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WebTwelve Angry Men was a movie about the decision of a boy’s fate in a murder trial. There were a dozen juror’s making the final decision whether he was guilty or not of murdering WebOct 10,  · 12 Angry Men Essay - Pathos ethos and logos Pages: 4 ( words) 12 Angry Men The Film Pages: 4 ( words) Literary Analysis 12 Angry Men Pages: 3 WebTwelve Angry Men Questions and Answers Who is the defendant in the trial in Twelve Angry Men? 12 Angry Men Juror 3 What testimony has been given in court by the old Web12 Angry Men Topics: Bench trial, Jury nullification, Scots law, Verdict Prejudice in Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose words | 1 Page On a jury, feelings of prejudice are WebNov 20,  · The film 12 Angry Men is about a murder trial conducted in a courtroom. The judge gave the jury its final instruction telling them that a guilty verdict will result in a WebThese discussion questions are designed to help your students view the story from various viewpoints. Twelve Angry Men Twelve Angry Men is a story of justice and mercy. ... read more

In the film 12 irate men a gathering of legal hearers are given the errand of choosing a decision for an year old kid who is blamed for killing his dad. The right of a speedy trial can also be in opposition to the interests of the accused because it can cause the accused…. This setting took place In a New York courthouse. Twelve Angry Men Exposes the Weaknesses of the Jury System as Well as Its Strengths Words 3 Pages. Some of the first ten amendments of the Bill of Rights are shown in this movie such as the fifth and sixth amendments. The many fine points that are within this film are like nothing else film has ever done. Bias stems from lots of things.

For instance, the lady wears glasses and in order for her to see the whole incident she would have had to twelve angry men essay questions her glasses to bed the night it happened. Act II is also marked by a different tone, outwardly manifested by the changing weather. This allows Mr. He is put on trial for being accused of stabbing his father in the chest with a knife. Justice, prejudice, doubt, social class, one vs many, father-son relationship. When the story begins, all the jurors are eager to convict the defendant, a young minority, on charges of murdering his father. When it comes to groups, each member might have different values or personalities that would be different, twelve angry men essay questions.

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